Introduction to Quantum Computing


In this lesson, you create your own quantum score.

By now you have used many of the quantum gates available. You can encountered the concepts of superposition and entanglement. Each of these are very powerful tools in the quantum computer.

Q Experience


In this lesson, you are encouraged to write your own quantum program. One way to conceive of your program is to see you have five qubits at the start which you can set to zero (|0>) or, by using the X-gate, can be set to one (|1>). After your program has run, the qubits will have five different values (from 00000 to 11111). It may be that the values will have probabilities associated with them.


Here are some programming ideas to get you started:

“My quantum program adds the first two qubits to the last two qubits”.

“My quantum program turns the first two qubits into their opposites”.

“My quantum program distributes all the possible combinations of results evenly through all five qubits”.


By the end of the lesson you should have created a document in your word processor that contains a screenshot of your Composer program, and a picture of the output with a verbal description like those above. When you view your output, mouse-over the Quantum circuit to see a download button which can give you a PNG (picture file).

Another way to document your quantum project program is to use the ‘Download all data’ button at the bottom right of the output window. You’ll need to unpack the compressed folder, but the graphics you’ll need are in there.



In the Quantum Results output, you will see a ‘Download CSV’ button. Can you use this to create a really sharp chart of your program output?

Also, it might be possible to turn that CSV spreadsheet file into a really nice Bloch sphere diagram. Can you find a way to do this?

Check quiz: Project