Mac Ematics

CREATOR: Niel Schulman

324 East Drive

Oak Ridge TN 38830


LICENSE: $15.00

REQUIRES:68020 based mac or better with colour quickdraw Roms system 7. Macematics-215.hqx



Mac Ematics is a software, simulation program that is easy to use and fits in nicely to the Kito of Problem Solving, Level 2 in which I have been asked to review;Identifies types of micro-electronic devices in everyday life. Mac Ematics is a maths program that can be and should be used to further and stimulate a greater understanding of mathematics and specific functions as outlined in the mathematical curriculum and profile statements; numbers, level two such as understand the relationship between numbers and the four main operations (addition, subtraction, division and multiplication).

This particular program without any other activities both on and off the computer would be useful as it can be used as a drill to reinforce the mathematics, but is more effective in conjunction and has more educational value if it used in juxtaposition with other activities that will and can contrast, compliment and reinforce the computer based activities such as provide varying types of mathematical problems in the form of verbal, numeration that can be accessed both mentally and through written computation.

The program is easy to use and will be suitable for the desired age of level two, which is grades three and four approximatley aged about 8 and 9. It is asthetically appealing with good graphics and sound effects and easy to follow visual functions see example below:

This is a snapshot of Mac Ematics during a level two, addition game as you can see this shows clearly the functions of the game which can be easily accessed through double clicking the mouse on the specific icon desired. This includes a HELP icon which then through accessing the menu bar can be broken down into numerous sub headings such as:

General info.

Testing info

Test limits

Mac Ematics preferences

What each menu does

Tips and tricks

STATUS tells you your score and percentage and if desired the amount of questions answered in any given time. It is also personalised as when you click on the START icon, you are asked to enter your name making the child more motivated as they feel that the computer s directing the questions to them, personally rather than just to the operater of the program.

The START icon not only lets you as the operater choose the operation you would like to work in (the four operations or fractions and percentages for the more advanced child, but alsothe level and degree of difficulty, numbr of questions to be asked in one sitting and if the individual would like timed tests, this is good as this motivates the child to beat their own personal record of answers correct in a certain time, rather than trying to beat other Children in the class' score or time which can lead to a decrease in self confidence as not all children are at the same level.

It was quite easy to install, yet before introducing this to the class I would show them perhaps every Monday morning until they felt that they were comfortable with using and loading aswell as exiting the program, perhaps for the less experienced children, for the first couple of weeks you would pair them with a child that felt less overwhelmed and more experienced with the computer and it's functions hopefully the less confident child would learn via a one to one basis with a friend or peer.

The START icon not only lets you as the operater choose the operation you would like to work in (the four operations or fractions and percentages for the more advanced child, but alsothe level and degree of difficulty, numbr of questions to be asked in one sitting and if the individual would like timed tests, this is good as this motivates the child to beat their own personal record of answers correct in a certain time, rather than trying to beat other Children in the class' score or time which can lead to a decrease in self confidence as not all children are at the same level.

It was quite easy to install, yet before introducing this to the class I would show them perhaps every Monday morning until they felt that they were comfortable with using and loading aswell as exiting the program, perhaps for the less experienced children, for the first couple of weeks you would pair them with a child that felt less overwhelmed and more experienced with the computer and it's functions hopefully the less confident child would learn via a one to one basis with a friend or peer.

When loading Mac Ematics, there are two other foldefs you can click on, however I could not gain access to both folders(registration and about the program). However there is a suitable help pragram available on the software. Loading time before registration direct from the internet is approximatley 5 minutes maximum. It was easy to install as the icons were ste out in a path to follow to load, although I as the Teacher would repeat showing them how they load the program a few times so that they become comfortable with it and are able to use the program with ease therefore feeling confident with the computer and not intimidated as alot of them at the initial stage of computer use do feel.

When starting the program click once on start, then the computer will ask you your to enter your name in then press return, the program is then flexible as you as the operator are given the choice of numerous factors that can make the program different, such as choosing the amount of questions you want to be asked and what operation. There is a useful and important function that will be helpful later when you want to evaluate the learning as you can print up the statistics of the gmane just played like the questions answered the percentsge of those answered right etc. However, You cannot print after along period of time, therefore it is suggested that if one wants a copy to print immediatley by clicking on FILE and selecting Print with the mouse.

The tool bar offers the program different colours for the sums to be written in and voice activation, along with the printing function this game on the whole is worth while, although it can and could be adapted to suit the desired outcomes of the unit. 

The game is quite flexible and allows for operater intervention such as choosing the operation they can work in, check for a score and qamount of questions answered in a certain amount of time which they can set when starting the program along with entering their name the individual operating the computer can choose and set the level of difficulty of the problems.

However there are some negative aspects of Mac Ematics, such as the demotivation of the lesser able students who even on level one are finding themselves answering the questions wrong. Instead of motivating them and encouraging them like another problem solving program Time Teacher also available at the same address uses encouraging statements like CÕmon I know you can do better! Rather than a simple and bold WRONG that flashes at the child when they answer a question wrong accompanied by a loud and distinct, quite a deturring noise that could demotivate and destroy any confidence the child had with mathematics and using the Computer.

Observing a female child aged eight use the Mac Ematics program, I discovered some problems that before I would never have comprehended. Although she was able to use and understand the program with ease a fair amount of time was spent deciding what operation to use. Perhaps the program would be more flexible and adaptable if it had offered you a mix of two or more operations to give the student a chance to solve a variety of problems. One must remember this program is better used not in isoaltion but in conjunction with other activities. She was able to follow the main functions of the game but had trouble exiting the game or stopping it, this is where I intervened and provided guidence Bonnie, who enjoys maths and after reviewing together the program liked and enjoyed the graphics and sound effects, which she said had motivated her to get or try to get the answeres right. As I thought she was intimidated by the boldness of the WRONG, when she didn't know the correct answer although this didn't directly lower hr self confidence, if it had happened constantly this may have had a negative and detrimental effect. Time Teacher, also a problem solving program offers advice and encouragement and when a answer is missed or answered incorrectly, the next question was similar to the original, therefore the child has more of a chance to build their confidence with maths and using the program as they enjoy and are motivated more.

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General info.

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