Evaluation for Microsoft Works- (Spreadsheet)

MIcrosoft Works is an effective operations software program for grades 4-5. 'Operations' system is defined as putting information into a computer by touch typing or dictating, which is what the spreadsheet is able to do. This software is a system where children are able to store numerical records by placing information into cells. This particular spreadsheet system is effective as once children have recorded their information they can then learn special functions to sort their information into order of largest number to smallest, or working out averages, which by grade five level they are certainly ready to learn. The software is titled, Microsoft Works 3.0 and is an Apple Macintosh program. The program is also a harddrive software package that, once installed, does not require any additional disks for the harddrive or CD ROM. To install this software you will need a Macintosh with a 68020 or higher porocessor. The hard disk required is 5MB for minimum installation, but 16 MB for total installation. To use works only a mimimum of 4MB for RAM is required. Microsoft Works is a very valuable sofware as it contains not only a spreadsheet system, but also a database, a word processor, a communications file and also a drawing section. These several programs make it accessible for any child from any grade to be able to use it, as each program is different with various functions, ranging from easy to difficult, that can be used. Microsoft Works price may seem relatively expensive for a small town school, however when considering that it happens to be realtively cheap in comparison to other software programs with such a range of functions that can be suitable for any class level, the educational value soon outweighs the money issue. It is very easy to install, as all it takes is the click of a mouse button into the program that was wanted. The features that are needed are all easily found under clear subheadings and are easily installed by scrolling down with the mouse, the fact that everthing is so accessible and easy to find is one feature that makes this software easy to use. The Feature "Autosum' entitles a student to automatically have the title for each colum as all they have to do is paste in the formula they chose to use; this feature makes it very easy to use. Another feature that makes this software easy to use is the fact that a spreadsheet can be turened into a chart with the click of a button. Documentation for this software is also easy. Operating instructions are given with the sofware which sats that to get into spreadsheets, you click onto WORKS, and then chose SPREADSHEETS and OK. Operations for how to access speacial fuctions can be seen through an easy to read section that accompanies the software package. The basic operations that any teacher firstly needs to know is that the whole program reqiures children putting the information through by formulas instead of simple numbers, eg. 32-31=. The framework nature is also a plus for obtaining this software as functions, formulars, information and content can all be changed, if desired by typing over. The fundamental functions of the program though would be hard to change which works as an advantage as children are unlikey able to accidently change, erase or brake the system in any way. Below shows how documentation can be shown in the program through simply adding them up, or by formula. 3 2 44 44 651 47 0 5 5 66 65 4 =A5+A6+B8 =A2+A3+A4 A useful web page that is effective in helping decide why one should purchase Works is: http://www.microsoft.com/works/facts/facts3.htm This also gives a brief description of how to opperate it. children in the grade 4-5 age group at first feel intimidated with spreadsheets as formulas are something new to them. The most effective way of teaching this software was shown to be step by step. First teach the children to write in their colums, and their original numbers or totals, then teach them how to work the formulas, beginning with simply adding colums. Once children see how the adding formulas can be activated this age group will be able to contiunue on their own. Each formular should be introduced however as self exploration is basically too much to expect from this age group with the key functions.

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