Lesson plan(s)
Area of nationally developed curriculum, with strand and student learning outcome(s) Technology:

Strand: Designing, Making and Appraisal

Learning Outcome: 2.1 Investigates and identifies the social uses and effects of some products and processes


Strand: Investigation, Communication and Participation

Learning Outcomes: 2.17 Expresses a personal view of the meaning of data

2.18 Explores a variety of group work strategies


Strand: Writing

Learning Outcomes: 2.10 Recognises some of the purposes and advantages of writing

Off-computer activities related to the topic. Recently after collecting bread bags off loafs of bread for the 'Country Bake Computer Competition' we received a new MacIntosh computer and software in each classroom in the school. As the children in my class had little to no experience using computers we immediately began introducing the students to the computers as we thought that it would be good for them to be able to use them in the classroom. One of the pieces of software that we used to do this among others was 'Larry's Master The Mouse'. This game introduces the children to using the mouse and gives practical exercises for them to do using the mouse. However, as effective as such games were in kick-starting the children's ability to use computers, the problem was more than evident that some sort of rules needed to be made for when using the computer as there was gradually fighting and arguing between some students as to who got to use the computer at certain times, etc. and also the matter of each student getting equal time on the computer so that no-one was disadvantaged in anyway and everybody got a fair go. So with this in mind I decided that the children should have the responsibility of making these rules as the computer is there for their use and I would simply act as the facilitator in this lesson. We were already making lists of the equipment involved with the computer to clarify how they are used with different pieces of software and so I decided that the making of these computer rules would coincide with that piece of work. I would divide the class into four groups and within these groups the students would talk about what they wanted to use the computer for and what they thought the rules should be so that everbodies needs are catered for. Every child would have to come up with atleast one rule within their groups that everyone within their group agreed with. Then after this had been done the class would come together as a whole to share their ideas and if needed there would be a process of elimination until a set of rules that everyone agreed with and were happy with was finalised.
Computer-based activities related to the topic As mentioned above, lists of equipment were already being made of the equipment involved with the computer to clarify how they are used with different pieces of software, and so these lists along with the finalised set of computer rules would be word-processed on the computer and then displayed above the computer for the whole class to see and appreciate. This would be a perfect first up exercise to make sure that our newly made computer rules were immediately put into effect. Each child would have equal time on the computer word-processing their contributions to the lists and at the same time they are practicing their computer use and doing their part to make sure that the new batch of computers for the school are of benefit to everyone and that in the future their could be more and they could play a bigger part in the classroom.
Classroom management and evaluation strategies As mentioned above, during this lesson I would simply act as the facilitator and it would be each child's responsibility for the making of the rules. With this in mind classroom management does not pose much of a problem as probably the only thing I need to manage is the noice level. When they are working in their groups and also as a whole class it will be easy to evaluate their co-operative learning skills by how well they are co-operating and negotiating with each other and comparing views and this will also reflect in the quality of their rules. Also when they are making the lists they are showing me that they can initiate writing for particular purposes and of course when the computer rules have been displayed and put into effect, I can evaluate their worth and make sure that they are abided by punishing those who disobey them by limiting their use on the computers for a set period of time. This will certainly get the children's attention and make sure that the rules aren't broken as they are the ones that actually made up the rules in the first place.

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