Lesson Plan

Lesson plan:

Rapid type can fit into either an early childhood class, an upper primary class or into a secondary class, so as to teach or enhance typing and word processing skills, aswell as literacy and numeracy skills.

Intended learning outcomes

At the end of the learning experience students will have:

Developed a greater understanding of the process involved in touch typing or enhanced already developed typing skills.

Enhance literacy skills, knowledge of word, sentence, paragraph formations.

Enhance student's punctuation and spelling skills.

Uses writing to develop familiar ideas and events and information.

Adjusts writing to take account of aspects of context, purpose and auidence.

Controls most distinguishing linguistic structures and features of basic text types such as stories, procedures, reports and arguments.

Student's prior knowledge

The student's would have had ample of opportunities of exploring and experimenting with Rapid type, therefore touch typing.

The student's will have prior experience with the computer, and have used other educational games.


The class will be working individually for this learning experience. The computer will be used through the means of a learning cenre. Those student's who finish the set task will use the computer, others waiting will go on with other set tasks.

The learning experience.


In the area of english, the program of Rapid type will be used to enhance literacy skills, retelling, punctuation and spelling skills.

In previous lessons off the computer the students have been reading in groups the novel Fat Chance by Maragret Clark. From reading and listening to the story and through asking questions about characters, setting, plot and so on, student's have gained a good understanding of Maragret's novel.

The student's are aware that the story is told from a particular point of view and are now asked to take a particular incident or event from the story, thought to be important, and rewrite it from the point of view of another character. They are then asked to share this retelling with the class and to discuss the reasons for the reshaping. The student's are to use their knowledge gained from using the Rapid type program, to type their work on the computer.

Classroom management

Due to the popularity of computers a roster system should be introduced so as every child within aclass is given equal access to the computers. Through the use of a roster system many arguments about computer hogging have been over come. The roster system works on the basis of using specific computer groups and then, allocating a particular day of the week to the different groups in which the members of that group have privilege over other non group members. This system works really well, as every child knows when there special day is, and thus abides by the rules. The computer groups that are established with in a class should be set up so as confident and non confident users are working together. This is so peer teaching occurs and the teacher then has time to work with particular student's or groups without having to run over to the computer to answer basic questions that other student's could answer. The computers should be used within a classroom for specific problem solving and for free play. When student's have finished the work required of them it would be a good idea to let them to use the computers, this would be a privilege for student's to complete pieces of work quicker, but still maintain a high standard due to this reward. However student's should only allowed to use the computers at recess and lunch time if they are under supervision or have firstly gained a teachers permission. This combats against any computer abuse or breakages that may occur without an adult present.

The computers situated within a classroom should always be treated by student's with the utmost care and respect. Helping to care and look after the computers should be a main concern, with covers being replaced over computers not being used, cables being plugged in correctly, programs being shut down and opened in the correct way, and food and drink always being kept well away from them. Student's should be made aware of these issues due to computer rules that a class with computers should collaboratively set, and if student's participation is gotten in developing these rules, then they should abide by them, and monitor that others are abiding by them too.

The computers should be placed around the classroom where they are well away from sinks, and where there is large amounts of movement and traffic by student's. Cables and cords are kept tidy and at the back of the computer so as they are away from student's feet and walking path. They are also placed well away from windows so as they are not easily seen from passers by, this ultimately discourages break in's. Ergonomic furniture has been included with the computers, so as student's are able to use them for periods of time without feeling any discomforts. More of these point are covered in the program Rapid type. Regular breaks should also be taken by the student's to avoid any physical discomforts like eye, neck, and back strain aswell as RSI.

The computers within a classroom should be viewed and used as reinforcing tools, that enhance and extend class work that student's are involved in.


The class will be evaluated through teachers observation on their working of the computer - their typing techniques, through the work that they produce and share with the class. A major way the effectiveness of the program Rapid type will be evaluated is through teachers observations of how the program has improved student's typing skills, their posture, speed and accuracy. Another way is through the comments that the students make about their typing experience. Therefore a sheet could be devised that asks a series of questions about their typing skills and the Rapid type program.

For example:

Students evaluation sheet

1. Did you find that the Rapid type program enhanced your typing skills?

2. Did you need to ask for hel whilst using the program?

3. What new skills did you learn from the program, what skills did you enhance?

4. Did you have control over your own learning?

5. Did you find the program an effective means of completing the required task?

6. Did you feel confident on using the program on your own?

7. Did you like the way is progressed your performance?

8. Did you find using the skills that you had gained from the program more valuable when they were used for a specific purpose?

9. Would you recommend this typing program to others, if yes then what features did you really like about it?

Through the answers that the children give to these questions and through teacher observations, it would once again reinforce the effectiveness and value that Rapid type would bring to any classroom.

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