This is my lesson plan

Question 6

My Chosen KITO is in the area of Operations. This program deals with the use of a mouse, which is a large part of computer perations. For children of this Kinder and Prep. age, this program would be highly beneficial to their mouse operating skills.

The learning outcomes are as follows:

1) the students will gain an understanding into the use of a mouse n relation to computer use. 2) the students will gain an understanding of the operations of a mouse and, 3) students will gain some proficiency in the use of a mouse as an input device.

Question 7

It is difficult to find simple activities relating to computer operations, without using the compuers. An effective activity is to have the students draw a picture of a computer and its input devices. Have them label the input devices and individually explain, to the teacher, what they know about the use of these devices.

Question 8

Other operations could then be lead into from here. Children of this age should not be required to be able to type and therefore activities using the mouse, arrow and return keys are beneficial in introducing them to basic computer operations.

To enhance the skills gained with this program, students could use a similar program such as Paintbrush. This requires slightly finer skills in mouse use for computer operations, but is still simple enough so as not to discourage the students. This will enhanse their skills further, and increase their proficiency in this area.

Question 9

Classroom management and evaluation strategies: These games should be done on an individual level. This game has the potential to distract other students and therefore the computer should be positioned so the screen is not directly facing the class or any other students.

The activities are simple and should not be a problem, once the students have been instructed by the teacher. However the teacher should be able to keep a watch on the student using the program just incase they get stuck. This is unlikely, but possible.