Dr. Andrew E. Fluck

Curriculum Vitae (2023)

Associate Professor of Information Technology Education (retired 2020)


* 1May55


Contact details:
7291, Tasmania, Australia.

e-mail: Andrew.Fluck(at)utas.edu.au



My goal has been to maximise the benefits of information and communication technology (ICT), and minimise the harms. To this end I have undertaken world class research and development on using computers for educating children with special needs, e-Assessment to transform curricula and improving learning outcomes by impact factors greater than 3.0.


I trained as a teacher in Bristol, England, and taught science, mathematics and computing in Nigeria, England and Australia. I commenced work at the University of Tasmania (UTAS) as a seconded teacher from the Tasmanian Department of Education in 1995.


I have made globally significant contributions through the world peak body for research into this area (UNESCO-IFIP-WG 3.3). Nationally, my advice influenced the $1.2b Digital Education Revolution for the Australian Government. This is evidenced by the publication of the report containing my advice on the home page of the government web-site (Fluck, 2007, p.31). My PhD thesis on Integration or transformation? had been downloaded 37,179 times (13Mar21). It was in the top 10 documents download from the entire UTAS open access repository for over fifteen years.


Through my UTAS career I have been highly innovative, pioneering significant teaching methods such as video-conferencing, online learning and eExams. I am collaborative in working with colleagues, with numerous sole authored and jointly authored articles (in Q1 journals), refereed conference papers, chapters and a book.


As a member of Academic Senate, I contributed to the governance of the University, particularly for the digital submission of theses and retaining Education as a Faculty. Within Tasmania I have made significant contributions to the concepts of intellectual property and freedom in the school curriculum through review of the ICT curriculum framework. In 2011-12 the Tasmanian Qualifications Authority conducted a successful trial of my eExams system in Years 11/12 state-wide, and has now switched to open online eExams for that subject. My eExam System was approved for use in all UTAS disciplines in 2011.


Since retiring, I have remained academically engaged, with several papers published and a book editorship contracted. I have been promoted from Associate to Deputy Editor of a world-class journal.


Academic Record & Memberships of Academic/Professional organizations




Bachelor of Science (Hons) Mathematical Sciences

University of Bristol, UK


Post-Graduate Certificate in Education (secondary Mathematics & Gifted Children)

University of Bristol, UK


Qualified Teacher, UK

Department of Education and Science, UK



British Computer Society


Certificate for Research Methods in Education and the Social Sciences

Open University, UK


Tasmanian Teacher's Certificate

Tasmanian Education Department


Member (Certified Professional & IP3P)

Australian Computer Society


Chartered Engineer

The Engineering Council, UK


Tasmanian Teacher's Certificate

Department of Education and the Arts, Tasmania


Certified Professional (MACS CP) & International Professional Practice Partnership (IP3P)

Australian Computer Society


Master of Education (by Research, Social Effects of New Technology in Schools)

University of Tasmania


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Integration or transformation? A cross-national study of information and communication technology in school education

University of Tasmania





Employment Record

Position: Head of Science

From: September 1977

To: July 1979

Afikpo High School, Imo State, Nigeria. Appointed as a Voluntary Service Overseas teacher, I restored the laboratory block and science teaching after the depredations of the Biafran war.

Position: Head of Computing

From: September 1979

To: May 1984

Stantonbury Campus, Buckinghamshire, England. I co-wrote a syllabus which was adopted as the global Royal Society of the Arts certificate in Computer Literacy and Information Technology.

Position: Director

From: May 1984

To: February 1989

Redbridge SEMERC (Special Education Micro-Electronics Resource Centre), London, England. I led a team of over 12 staff, co-ordinating the introduction of information technology into schools for the 20% of students with special needs in south east England. At the national level, I developed materials which were subsequently written into the National Curriculum.

Position: Computer Co-ordinator From: February 1989

To: September 1989

Tasmania ITeC. I wrote several information technology training courses and enabled people with disabilities to obtain employment.

Position: Teacher

From: September 1989

To: December 1989

Taroona High School. Working as a Science/Maths teacher I also commenced work on my research project as Scholar-in-Residence at the Philip Smith Education Centre.

Position: State Secondary Computer Consultant & Advisory Officer

From: February 1990

To: September 1991

Elizabeth Computer Centre. I found ways schools could utilise the Internet, and my task focussed upon connecting secondary schools into this system for student management and curriculum purposes.

Position: Advanced Skills Teacher 1
From: September 1991

To: December 1991

Kingston High School. I widened the use of technology in the school, creating the first computer network there.

Position: AST 1 & Network Manager
From: February 1992

To: May 1995

Claremont College. I explored radically new forms of student-centred education, enabling students to log into the college from home after hours, changing the nature of the educational process. I introduced a laptop loan scheme into the library and assisted in the creation of the first school website in the state.

Position: Lecturer in Technology Education [and Network Manager to February 2002]

From: June 1995

To: 2010

Faculty of Education, University of Tasmania. I initially taught electronics and control technology. I moved on to successfully integrate IT skills into the Bachelor of Education, the BEd In-Service, and the Bachelor of Teaching. I also ran courses for university lecturing staff from other Faculties who were exploring the new technologies for teaching. A major responsibility was supporting the computing infrastructure in the Faculty, co-ordinating the platform switch from Macintosh to PC and upgrading networks to cope with major video content. Championed the adoption of WebCT/Blackboard and other virtual learning environment applications to complement face-to-face teaching.

Position: Senior Lecturer in Information Technology

From: March 2010

To: June 2019

Faculty of Education, University of Tasmania. Worked on eExaminations and dramatic examples of transformative learning through computers (starting with integral calculus in primary schools). Graduate Research Coordinator from July 2014 to 2016.

Position: Associate Professor of Information Technology Education

From: July 2019

To: December 2020

Faculty of Education, University of Tasmania. Additional work on academic workload metrication, eExams and Digital Technologies implementation. Graduate Research Coordinator in 2020.

Position: Deputy Editor

From: July 2022

To: ongoing

Education and Information Technologies (journal). The Official Journal of the IFIP Technical Committee on Education. I was previously Associate Editor for a couple of years. The journal is now ranked #3 in the world in the area of Educational Technology (Google Scholar rankings) and has an impact factor of 3.333 (2021). Last year the publisher (SpringerNature) reported 3,174,835 downloads.



Board and Committee Involvement – Service to the Community:


·       As an elected member of Academic Senate (2006-2011), I contributed to the governance of the University of Tasmania, particularly for the digital submission of theses and retaining Education as a Faculty.

·       2004 elected member of UNESCO’s International Federation for Information Processing Technical Committee 3 Working Group 3.3 on Educational Research (world peak body for research into computers in education). Secretary from 2007, Vice-Chair from 2013 and Chair from 2015 to 2019.

·       2000-2002 co-convenor of the Australian Computers in Education Conference, Hobart, with 490 delegates, 326 of whom came from outside Tasmania from mainland Australia, New Zealand, Finland, Luxembourg, India, USA and England.

·       Service award from the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) for outstanding contributions to IFIP and the informatics community”, International Federation for Information Processing, Austria, 24 October (2019).

·       Appointed Board Member Equity Into Work = WISE Employment (specialising in placing people with disabilities into the workforce) from 2004 to 2007.

·       Member of the Branch Executive Committee for the Tasmanian branch of the Australian Computer Society from about 1996 to 2000.

·       Associate Editor and Board Member for Springer-Nature journal Education and Information Technologies from 2020; Deputy Editor from 2022.

·      Secretary of the Australian Council for Computers in Education (ACCE) about 1991-1996.

·      Member of ICT Educators Committee for the Australian Computer Society (from 2019 to 2021)

 ·       Delivered keynote address to national conference: 1987 Micro-Electronics in Special Education - Keynote address. Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Special Education: Melbourne, Australia.

·       Member of DEST writing party for (2001) Making Better Connections, a national report into the future direction of ICT in school education.

·       Member of national reference group for (2002) Raising the Standards: A proposal for the development of an information and communication technology (ICT) competency framework for teachers for the Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and Training: Canberra, Australia.

·       In 1994 I contributed the policy document Computers in Schools - a framework for development – a discussion paper to the national peak body in Australia for ICT in education, which remained current for over a decade.

·       2001 and 2013 gave invited keynote addresses to the Tiger Leap Conference in Tallinn, Estonia.

·       2005 gave invited keynote speech for the Ministry of Education for the Global Project Based Learning Forum and Exhibition from September 9 to 10, in Kaohsiung, Taiwan



Secretary Paringa Archers Launceston from 2012 to 2016

Tournament Director, Paringa Archers from 2014 to 2018 

Director of Judges for Archery Society of Tasmania from 2014 to 2019.

Member of Archery Australia Officials Committee from 2018

Archery National Judge from 2009, Continental Archery judge from 2015.

Silver medal Archery Australia 2017 Club Challenge (Veteran Male Longbow).

Archery Instructor/Level 1 Coach

Board member for Archery Australia from 2018 to 2022.




See more details at  http://Andrew.Fluck.id.au.



Revised 17Jul22


Academic Metrics



Academic & Author

I have contributed to and written over 200 works. See details below.


Funding attracted (total)


Funding attracted
(as CI-A)



Publications (2011-5)


Number published

Number First Author

Number Sole Author

Refereed Journal Articles




Research Book Chapters




Refereed Conference Papers






From Google Scholar Citations [as at 21Mar23]






Research Funding attracted


Funding attracted (total) $1,222,693


Funding attracted (as CI-A) $625,361


Number of grants: 18   Total funding: $1,862,697


Projects and Grant Funding

eExams - NAATI (2020)


Transforming exams across Australia: Processes and platform for e-exams in high stakes, supervised environments (2015 – 2017)


Processes and Platform for e-exams in supervised BYOD environments (2014)


Calculus in the real world: transforming the way we teach Mathematics in primary education (2013 – 2015)


Science-ercise: modern physics in primary classrooms of North-West Tasmania (2013 – 2014)


Evaluating and selecting STEM resources: capacity building for teachers in rural and regional schools (2013)


Transforming Curriculum: A New Approach to Calculus Using Laptops in Primary Schools (2010)


Welfare to work for people with disabilities in Northern Tasmania (2006)


'Always On' Learning Communities: M-Learning Landscapes Transforming School Cultures (2006 – 2008)


Strategic Partnerships in ICT Teacher Development (2005)


M-Learning Landscapes: Transforming School Cultures through Next Generational Thinking (2005)


'Always on' learning communities (2005)


SiMERR Hub Tasmania (2005 – 2007)


Youth Socialisation in Mathematics: Using ICTs for Active Positive Learning (2004)


Children, Online Learning and Authentic Teaching Skills (2002 – 2004)


Children On-line Learning and Authentic Teaching Skills in Primary Education (Pilot Study 2001 – 2002)


Models of Teacher Prof Dev & Classroom Practice (2000 – 2001)


Access, Youth and the eLaunceston Portal (2000)







Doctoral Supervisions







Incorporating new literacies of online research and comprehension strategies instruction in English as a Second Language (ESL) undergraduate classrooms.

Candidate: Noridah Binti Sain



Early Childhood Teacher Preparation: A comparative study between two courses in Australia and China

Candidate: Yixian Zhang



Design-based Research to Inform the Creation of an Early Childhood Education Framework for Pakistan

Candidate: Mohammad Afzal Khan



VOOM Model: Digital Learning Excellence in VET MOOCs
Candidate: Rachael Maree Paton



Online Politeness and Identity Construction of Young Saudi Adults
Candidate: Mohammed Qurait Alenezi



MiniNauts: A serious game platform for primary school reading comprehension education
Candidate: Aran James Cauchi-Saunders



Early Adopters of Geospatial Technologies for Teaching Geography in Australian Secondary Schools
Candidate: Bianca Jade Coleman



Undergraduate Student Acceptance of Haptic Simulation in Gross Anatomy Learning
Candidate: Soonja Yeom



The Academic ICT Gap
Candidate: Janet Louise Price



Skilling Students in Digital Technologies Using Long-Distance Controlled Robots Over the Internet
Candidate: Megan Jayne Hastie



Teachers Confidence with Technology: Perceptions of the impact of a student laptop computer program in Trinidad and Tobago
Candidate: Seeta Jaikaran-Doe



Australian Students' Information and Communication Technology (ICT) use in Middle School and at Home
Candidate: Darren Lee Pullen



User-Friendly and Learner-Friendly Courseware Design, Development and Evaluation
Candidate: Yasmine Louwon Howard



Information Literacy: A Neglected Essential Learning
Candidate: Rodney James Linhart



Key Factors in the Use of ICT in Primary School Classrooms
Candidate: Ivan Leslie Webb




Research Publications

Journal Article

Kenny, J., Fluck, A.E. (2022). Life at the academic coalface: validation of a holistic academic workload estimation tool. High Educ  https://doi.org/10.1007/s10734-022-00912-x

Fluck, A.E., Girgla, A. (2022). Changing Computer Curricula in Australia. In: Passey, D., Leahy, D., Williams, L., Holvikivi, J., Ruohonen, M. (eds) Digital Transformation of Education and Learning - Past, Present and Future. OCCE 2021. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 642. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-97986-7_12

Tatnall, A., Fluck, A. Twenty-five years of the education and the information technologies journal: Past and future. Educ Inf Technol (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-022-10917-9

Kenny, J and Fluck, AE, “Emerging principles for the allocation of academic work in universities”, Higher Education pp. 1-18. doi:10.1007/s10734-021-00747-y ISSN 0018-1560 (2021)

Fluck, AE, “Why digital literacy must begin in the classroom and why teachers need to know what they’re talking about”, Information Age ISSN 1324-5945 (2020)

Fluck, AE and Ranmuthugala, SD and Chin, CKH and Penesis, I and Chong, J and Yang and Ghous, A*, “Transforming learning with computers: Calculus for kids”, Education and Information Technologies doi:10.1007/s10639-020-10136-0 ISSN 1360-2357 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]

Webb, ME* and Fluck, A and Magenheim, J* and Malyn-Smith, J* and Waters, J* and Deschenes, M* and Zagami, J*, “Machine learning for human learners: opportunities, issues, tensions and threats”, Educational Technology Research and Development pp. 1-22. doi:10.1007/s11423-020-09858-2 ISSN 1042-1629 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, AE, “An international review of eExam technologies and impact”, Computers and Education, 132 pp. 1-15. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2018.12.008 ISSN 0360-1315 (2019) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]

Kenny, J and Fluck, A, “Academic administration and service workloads in Australian universities”, Australian Universities' Review, 61 (2) pp. 21-30. ISSN 0818-8068 (2019) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]

Alenezi, MQ and Kebble, PG* and Fluck, A and Yang, Y and Bown, A, “Constructing identities online- an exploratory study of Saudi youths’ strategies”, Arab World English Journal, Special Issue on CALL (4) pp. 242-259. doi:10.24093/awej/call4.19 ISSN 2229-9327 (2018) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]

Kenny, J and Fluck, AE, “Research workloads in Australian Universities”, Australian Universities' Review, 60 (2) pp. 25-37. ISSN 0818-8068 (2018) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]

Paton, Rachael and Scanlan, JD and Fluck, A, “A performance profile of learner completion and retention in Australian VET MOOCs”, Journal of Vocational Education and Training pp. 1-19. doi:10.1080/13636820.2018.1463278 ISSN 1363-6820 (2018) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]

Paton, RM and Fluck, AE and Scanlan, JD, “Engagement and retention in VET MOOCs and online courses: A systematic review of literature from 2013 to 2017”, Computers and Education, 125 pp. 191-201. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2018.06.013 ISSN 0360-1315 (2018) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]

Webb, ME* and Bell, T* and Davis, N* and Katz, YJ* and Fluck, A and Syslo, MM* and Kalas, I* and Cox, M* and Angeli, C* and Malyn-Smith, J* and Brinda, T* and Micheuz, P* and Brodnik, A*, “Tensions in specifying computing curricula for K-12: towards a principled approach for objectives”, it - Information Technology, 60 (2) pp. 59-68. doi:10.1515/itit-2017-0017 ISSN 2196-7032 (2018) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]

Chin, CKH and Fluck, A and Chong, CL and Penesis, I and Ranmuthugala, D and Coleman, B, “Higher order thinking through Calculus for Kids”, Journal of Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria, 4 (1) pp. 26-31. ISSN 2205-3611 (2017) [Professional, Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Field, B*, “3D printing at Lansdowne Crescent”, Australian Educational Computing, 37 (1) pp. 1-2. ISSN 0816-9020 (2017) [Professional, Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Smith, T*, “Navigating towards Digital Technologies at Montagu Bay Primary”, Australian Educational Computing, 32 (1) pp. 1-3. ISSN 0816-9020 (2017) [Professional, Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Adebayo, OS* and Abdulhamid, SM*, “Secure e-examination systems compared: case studies from two countries”, Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, 16 pp. 107-125. doi:10.28945/3705 ISSN 2165-3151 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]

Kenny, J and Fluck, AE, “Towards a methodology to determine standard time allocations for academic work”, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 39 (5) pp. 503-523. doi:10.1080/1360080X.2017.1354773 ISSN 1469-9508 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]

Kenny, JDJ and Fluck, A, “Research workloads”, Advocate, 24 (3) pp. 34-35. ISSN 1329-7295 (2017) [Professional, Non Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]

Yeom, S and Choi-Lundberg, DL and Fluck, AE and Sale, A, “Factors influencing undergraduate students' acceptance of a haptic interface for learning gross anatomy”, Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 14 (1) pp. 50-66. doi:10.1108/ITSE-02-2016-0006 ISSN 1741-5659 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]

Angeli, C* and Voogt, J* and Fluck, A and Webb, M* and Cox, M* and Malyn-Smith, J* and Zagami, J*, “A K-6 computational thinking curriculum framework: implications for teacher knowledge”, Educational Technology and Society, 9 (3) pp. 47-57. ISSN 1436-4522 (2016) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Webb, M* and Cox, M* and Angeli, C* and Malyn-Smith, J* and Voogt, J* and Zagami, J*, “Arguing for computer science in the school curriculum”, Educational Technology & Society, 19 (3) pp. 38-46. ISSN 1436-4522 (2016) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]

Spector, JM* and Ifenthaler, D* and Sampson, C* and Yang, LJ* and Mukama, E* and Warusavitarana, A* and Dona, KL* and Eichhorn, K* and Fluck, A and Huang, R* and Bridges, S* and Lu, J* and Ren, Y* and Gui, X* and Deneen, CC* and San Diego, J* and Gibson, DC*, “Technology enhanced formative assessment for 21st Century learning”, Educational Technology and Society, 19 (3) pp. 57-71. ISSN 1436-4522 (2016) [Contribution to Refereed Journal] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Reporting progress with post-paper digital exams”, Education Technology Solutions pp. 1-3. ISSN 1835-209X (2015) [Professional, Non Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]

Mogey, N* and Fluck, A, “Factors influencing student preference when comparing handwriting and typing for essay style examinations”, British Journal of Educational Technology, 46 (4) pp. 793-802. doi:10.1111/bjet.12171 ISSN 1467-8535 (2015) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]

Kenny, JDJ and Fluck, AE, “The effectiveness of academic workload models in an institution: a staff perspective”, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 36 (6) pp. 585-602. doi:10.1080/1360080X.2014.957889 ISSN 1360-080X (2014) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]

Rayner, C and Fluck, A, “Pre-service teachers’ perceptions of simSchool as preparation for inclusive education: a pilot study”, Asia - Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 42 (3) pp. 212-227. doi:10.1080/1359866X.2014.927825 ISSN 1359-866X (2014) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]

Adebayo, OS* and Abdulhamid, SM* and Fluck, A, “The prospects for e-examinations in Nigeria and Australia”, International Journal of Advances in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences, 2 (12) pp. 47-54. ISSN 2249-7455 (2013) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Dowden, T, “On the cusp of change: examining pre-service teachers' beliefs about ICT and envisioning the digital classroom of the future”, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 29 (1) pp. 43-52. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2729.2011.00464.x ISSN 1365-2729 (2013) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Farewell to pen and paper”, Campus Review (May 2012) pp. 1-3. (2012) [Letter or Note in Journal] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Ranmuthugala, D and Chin, C and Penesis, I, “Calculus in elementary school: an example of ICT-based curriculum transformation”, Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 31 (2) pp. 23. ISSN 0731-9258 (2012) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]

Kenny, J and Fluck, A and Jetson, T, “Placing a value on academic work”, Australian Universities' Review, 54 (2) pp. 50-60. ISSN 0818-8068 (2012) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]

Chin, CKH and Fluck, A and Ranmuthugala, D and Penesis, I, “ICT Curriculum Transformation of Mathematics in Primary Schools”, International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education, 2 (3) pp. 428-435. ISSN 2042-6364 (2011) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Online exams move on”, Independent Education, 41 (3) pp. 25. ISSN 1320-9825 (2011) [Letter or Note in Journal] [Detail]

Fluck, AE, “Laptop classes in some Australian government primary schools”, Australian Educational Computing, 26 (1) pp. 10-15. ISSN 0816-9020 (2011) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Pullen, DL and Harper, C, “Case study of a computer based examination system”, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 25 (4) pp. 509-523. doi:10.14742/ajet.1126 ISSN 1449-5554 (2009) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “M-Learning Landscapes: e-Learning for ubiquitous school science education”, Australian Educational Computing, 23 (1) pp. 24-32. ISSN 0816-9020 (2008) [Refereed Article] [Detail]

Pullen, DL and Fluck, A, “Open Education versus Mac Education: The Potential of Open-Source Software”, Australian College of Educators (4) pp. 1-14. ISSN 1447-5111 (2008) [Professional, Non Refereed Article] [Detail]

Robertson, M* and Webb, IL and Fluck, A, “Capacity Building with ICT: How to Construct the ICT Architecture for Educational Success ”, Teacher: The National Education Magazine, 2007 pp. 40-46. ISSN 1449-9274 (2007) [Professional, Non Refereed Article] [Detail]

Reading, C* and Fluck, A and Trinidad, S* and Smith, H* and Shaw, G* and Anderson, N* and McLoughlin, C* and White, B*, “Focusing on ICT in Rural and Regional Education in Australia”, Australian Educational Computing, 21 (2) pp. 20-24. ISSN 0816-9020 (2006) [Refereed Article] [Detail]

Robertson, M and Grady, NB and Fluck, A and Webb, IL, “Conversations toward effective implementation of information communication technologies in Australian schools”, Journal of Educational Administration, 44 (1) pp. 71-85. doi:10.1108/09578230610642665 ISSN 0957-8234 (2006) [Refereed Article] [Detail]

Webb, IL and Robertson, ME and Fluck, A, “ICT, Professional Learning: towards communities of practice”, Journal of In-Service Education, 31 (4) pp. 617-633. doi:10.1080/13674580500200297 ISSN 1367-4587 (2005) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]

Robertson, ME and Fluck, A, “Capacity Building in Geographical Education: Strategic use of online technologies”, Geography, 89 pp. 269-273. ISSN 0016-7487 (2004) [Refereed Article] [Detail]

Robertson, ME and Fluck, A and Webb, IL and Loechel, BN, “Classroom computer climate, teacher reflections and 're-envisoning' pedagogy in Australian schools”, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 20 (3) pp. 351-370. ISSN 1449-3098 (2004) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Social Effects of New Technology in Education”, Journal of Information Technology Impact, 2 (2) pp. 43-54. ISSN 1098-139X (2001) [Refereed Article] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Some national and regional frameworks for integrating information and communication technology into school education”, Educational Technology & Society Journal, 4 (3) pp. 145-152. ISSN 1436-4522 (2001) [Refereed Article] [Detail]

Robertson, ME and Fluck, A and Thomas, SL, “Expert versus novice users: Power rules in virtual space”, The Australian Educational Researcher, 28 (1) pp. 147-167. ISSN 0311-6999 (2001) [Refereed Article] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Open Forum”, Journal of Education, Tasmania, 1 (2) pp. 15. (1996) [Letter or Note in Journal] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Tasmanian Schools that never close”, Journal of Education, Tasmania, 1 (1) pp. 10 - 11. (1996) [Professional, Non Refereed Article] [Detail]


Robertson, M* and Webb, IL and Fluck, A, Seven steps to ICT integration, ACER Press, Camberwell, pp. 179. ISBN 9780864315175 (2007) [Authored Other Book] [Detail]

Keane, T. and Fluck, A.E. (eds) (2023) Teaching Coding in K-12 Schools: Research and Application. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-21970-2


Chapter in Book

Fluck, A.E., Girgla, A. (2022). Changing Computer Curricula in Australia. In: Passey, D., Leahy, D., Williams, L., Holvikivi, J., Ruohonen, M. (eds) Digital Transformation of Education and Learning - Past, Present and Future. OCCE 2021. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 642. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-97986-7_12

Fluck, A.E. (2023). Where Next for Coding in Schools?. In: Keane, T., Fluck, A.E. (eds) Teaching Coding in K-12 Schools. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-21970-2_27

Fluck, A, “Challenge of Transforming Curricula with Computers, High Impact Interventions and Disruption”, Encyclopedia of Education and Information Technologies, Springer, A Tatnall (ed), Cham, Switzerland, pp. 1-8. ISBN 978-3-030-10575-4 (2020) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, AE, “Whoever Reads the T&Cs Anyway?”, Empowering Teaching for Digital Equity and Agency: International Federation for Information Processing Technical Committee 3 Open Conference on Computers in Education (OCCE 2020), Springer Nature, T Brinda, D Passey and T Keane (ed), Switzerland, pp. 119-128. ISBN 978-3-030-59847-1 (2020) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]

Yeom, S and Fluck, A and Sale, A, “Indications for Kinesthetic Learning Through Haptic Devices”, Encyclopedia of Education and Information Technologies, Springer, A Tatnall (ed), Cham, Switzerland, pp. 1-8. ISBN 978-3-030-10575-4 (2020) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, AE, “Challenge of Transforming Curricula with Computers, High Impact Interventions and Disruption”, Encyclopedia of Education and Information Technologies, Springer Nature, A Tatnall (ed), Switzerland, pp. 1-8. ISBN 978-3-319-60013-0 (2019) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, AE and Chin, CKH and Ranmuthugala, D, “Transformative Computational Thinking in Mathematics”, Empowering Learners for Life in the Digital Age IFIP TC 3 Open Conference on Computers in Education, OCCE 2018 Linz, Austria, June 24–28, 2018: Revised Selected Papers, Springer, D Passey, R Bottino, C Lewin, E Sanchez (ed), Switzerland, pp. 34-43. ISBN 978-3-030-23513-0 (2019) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]

Webb, M* and Fluck, A and Deschenes, M* and Kheirallah, S* and Lee, I* and Magenheim, J* and Malyn-Smith, J* and Pare, G* and Trippe, R* and Onderwijs, L* and Waters, J* and Zagami, J*, “Thematic Working Group 4 - State of the Art in Thinking About Machine Learning: Implications for Education”, Learners and learning contexts: New alignments for the digital age, EDUsummIT 2019, F Petra & M Phillips (ed), Canada, pp. 114. ISBN 0000 0000 00 (2019) [Other Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]

Yeom, S and Fluck, A and Sale, A, “Indications for Kinesthetic Learning Through Haptic Devices”, Encyclopedia of Education and Information Technologies, Springer, A Tatnall (ed), United Kingdom ISBN 978-3-319-60013-0 (2019) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Hillier, M*, “eExams: strength in diversity”, Tomorrow’s Learning: Involving Everyone, Springer Nature, A Tatnall, M Webb (ed), Switzerland, pp. 409-417. ISBN 978-3-319-74309-7 (2017) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, AE and Ranmuthugala, D and Chin, CKH and Penesis, I and Chong, J and Yang, Y, “Large Effect Size Studies of Computers in Schools: Calculus for Kids and Science-ercise”, Tomorrow’s Learning: Involving Everyone, Springer Nature, A Tatnall, M Webb (ed), Switzerland, pp. 70-80. ISBN 978-3-319-74310-3 (2017) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]

Webb, M* and Bell, T* and Davis, N* and Katz, YJ* and Reynolds, N* and Chambers, DP* and Syslo, MM* and Fluck, A and Cox, M* and Angeli, C* and Malyn-Smith, J* and Voogt, J* and Zagami, J* and Micheuz, P* and Chtouki, Y* and Mori, N*, “Computer science in the school curriculum: issues and challenges”, Tomorrow’s Learning: Involving Everyone, Springer Nature, A Tatnall, M Webb (ed), Switzerland, pp. 421-431. ISBN 978-3-319-74309-7 (2017) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]

Yeom, S and Fluck, A and Sale, A, “Evaluating acceptance of a haptic learning resource from various perspectives”, Tomorrow’s Learning: Involving Everyone, Springer Nature, A Tatnall, M Webb (ed), Switzerland, pp. 243-250. ISBN 978-3-319-74310-3 (2017) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Bower, M*, “Computational thinking: philosophy and practice”, Teaching and digital technologies: Big issues and critical questions, Cambridge University Press, M Henderson & G Romeo (ed), 477 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207, pp. 73-88. ISBN 978-1-107-45197-1 (2015) [Other Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, AE and Ranmuthugala, D and Chin, C and Penesis, I, “Calculus in elementary school: an example of ICT-based curriculum transformation”, Education and Information Technology 2012: A Selection of AACE Award Papers, AACE, TJ Basiaens & GH Marks (ed), United States, pp. 155-162. ISBN 1-8800-9497-5 (2012) [Research Book Chapter] [Detail]

Thomas, D and Thomas, A and Fluck, A, “Enhancing pedagogy with mLearning”, Technologies for enhancing pedagogy, engagement and empowerment in education: Creating learning-friendly environments, IGI Global, T Le and Q Le (ed), Hershey, PA, pp. 1-11. ISBN 978-1-61350-074-3 (2012) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A E, “From integration to transformation”, Researching IT in Education, Routledge, McDougall A, Murnane J, Jones A & Reynolds N (ed), Oxon, pp. 62-71. ISBN 0-415-56000-4 (2010) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]

**Reading, C* and Fluck, A and Trinidad, S* and Smith, H* and Shaw, G* and Anderson, N* and McLoughlin, C* and White, B*, “Focusing on ICT Rural and Regional Education in Australia”, information and Communication technology: Changing Education, Icfai University Press, Sushree Das & Sarita Rani (ed), Hyderabad, India, pp. 131-145. ISBN 978-81-314-2308-0 (2009) [Research Book Chapter] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Action! Learning into information literacy: A high-risk, high-gain investment strategy in Reading”, Partnerships in ICT Learning Study: Case studies, Digital Education Revolution, Chris Reading (ed), Canberra, pp. 19-38. ISBN 978-1-875864-59-1 (2007) [Research Book Chapter] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “The rise and rise of computers in education”, Children's Ways of Knowing <i>Learning through experience</i>, ACER, M Robertson, R Gerber (ed), Camberwell Victoria, pp. 144-157. ISBN 0-86431-349-7 (2001) [Research Book Chapter] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Information Technology in the Child's World”, The Child's World: triggers for learning, ACER, Adrienne de Kretser (ed), Melbourne, pp. 109-130. ISBN 0-86431-301-2 (2000) [Research Book Chapter] [Detail]


**Fluck, A, “AlwaysOn Case Study”, Australian Flexible Learning Framework, 2.0 (1) pp. 1-44. (2008) [Other Review] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Education and the Internet”, Directions in Education, 11 (8) pp. 4. (2002) [Review Several Works] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Computers as Tutors”, Info, October (October) pp. 22. (1996) [Review Single Work] [Detail]


Conference Publications

Fluck, A. (2022). Pedagogical Adaptation to ICT in Australia. Paper accepted for presentation at the World Conference on Computers in Education, Hiroshima, Japan, 20th-24th August 2020. Available as EasyChair Preprint no. 8325. https://easychair.org/publications/preprint/bZpg

Fluck, A.E. and Girgla, A. (2021). Symposium: Moving on with informatics/computer science curricula – challenges and opportunities: Changing computer curricula in Australia.  Digital Transformation of Education and Learning – OCCE’21 conference, 17-20th August, Tampere, Finland, p.58.  https://www.occe2021.fi/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/OCCE2021_BookOfAbstracts_20210810.pdf

Sain, N and Nawi, SM* and Yusof, GK* and Sidhu, GK* and Bown, A and Fluck, A, “Investigating Malaysian undergraduates' online research performance in embracing education 4.0”, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Education & Languages for Students & Adults Learners (ELSA 2019), 17-18 September 2019, Perak, Malaysia, pp. 44-62. ISBN 978-967-5741-87-6 (2019) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Running e-Exams on-campus and at a distance”, e-Exam Symposium, 24 November, Monash University, Caulfield Campus, Melbourne (2018) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Hillier, M*, “Trade-offs, benefits and costs”, e-Exam Symposium, 24 November, Monash University, Caulfield Campus, Melbourne (2018) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]

Hillier, M* and Bower, M* and Fluck, A, “Pedagogy of e-Exams: Examples and Transition”, e-Exam Symposium, 24 November, Monash University, Caulfield Campus, Melbourne (2018) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Palsson, H* and Coleman, M* and Hillier, M* and Schneider, D* and Frankl, G* and Uolia, K*, “eExam symposium: Design decisions and implementation experience”, 11th IFIP TC 3 World Conference on Computers in Education, 3-6 July 2017, Dublin, Ireland (2017) [Non Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Hillier, M* and Fluck, A, “Running authentic e-exams”, Programme of the 12th annual Examinations Network Conference 2017, 6-7 September 2017, Hobart, Tasmania, pp. 36. (2017) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]

Hillier, M* and Fluck, A, “The assessment triad and e-exams: integrity, authenticity and scalability”, Assessment Integrity and the Role of Examinations, 22 August 2017, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 1. (2017) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]

Hillier, M* and Fluck, A, “Transforming exams - how IT works for BYOD e-Exams”, Proceedings ASCILITE2017: 34th International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education, 4-6 December 2017, Toowoomba, Australia, pp. 100-105. (2017) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Sain, N and Bown, A and Fluck, A and Kebble, P, “ESL learners’ online research and comprehension strategies”, CALL in a climate of change: adapting to turbulent global conditions – short papers from EUROCALL 2017, France, pp. 271-276. ISBN 978-2-490057-04-7 (2017) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Chin, CKH and Fluck, AE and Chong, J and Penesis, I and Ranmuthugala, D and Coleman, B, “Higher order thinking through Calculus for Kids”, Australian Council for Computers in Education 2016 Conference Refereed Proceedings, 29 September - 2 October 2016, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 31-38. ISBN 978-0-9581188-2-8 (2016) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, AE and Ranmuthugala, D and Chin, C and Penesis, I and Chong, J, “Innovating with Calculus for Kids”, Australian Council for Computers in Education 2016 Conference Refereed Proceedings, 29 September - 2 October 2016, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 58-63. ISBN 978-0-9581188-2-8 (2016) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, AE and Ranmuthugala, D and Chin, C and Yang, Y, “Innovating with Science-ercise”, Australian Council for Computers in Education 2016 Conference Refereed Proceedings, 29 September - 2 October 2016, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 46-51. ISBN 978-0-9581188-2-8 (2016) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, AE and Hillier, M*, “Innovative assessment with eExams”, Australian Council for Computers in Education 2016 Conference Refereed Proceedings, 29 September - 2 October 2016, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 53-57. ISBN 978-0-9581188-2-8 (2016) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Jaikaran-Doe, S and Fluck, A and Hay, I, “Exploring teachers' confidence to integrate technology in Trinidad and Tobago”, Proceedings of the 2016 Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference, 27 November - 01 December 2016, Melbourne, pp. 1-11. ISSN 1324-9320 (2016) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Webb, M* and Bell, T* and Davis, N* and Katz, YJ* and Reynolds, N* and Chambers, DP* and Syslo, MM* and Fluck, A and Cox, M* and Angeli, C* and Malyn-Smith, J* and Voogt, J* and Zagami, J* and Micheuz, P* and Chtouki, Y* and Mori, N*, “Computer Science in the school curriculum: issues and challenges”, Informatics in Schools: Improvement of Informatics Knowledge and Perception - Proceedings of ISSEP 2016, 13-15 October 2016, Münster, Germany, pp. 64. ISBN 978-3-319-46747-4 (2016) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]

Yeom, S and Fluck, A and Sale, A, “Technical report on a haptic interface for learning anatomy”, Proceedings of the 28th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (OzCHI 2016), 29 November - 2 December 2016, Launceston, Tasmania, pp. 571-575. ISBN 978-1-4503-4618-4 (2016) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Hillier, M*, “e-Exams for curriculum transformation”, Program, 6 - 9 July, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 1. (2015) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Where are we going with Digital Technologies in Australian Schools?”, International Seminar on Mathematics, Science and Computer Science Education, 17 October, Bandung, Indonesia, pp. 1-4. (2015) [Keynote Presentation] [Full Text] [Detail]

Hillier, M* and Fluck, A, “A pedagogical end game for exams: a look 10 years into the future of high stakes assessment”, Globally connected, digitally enabled: Proceedings ascilite 2015 in Perth, 29 November - 2 December 2015, Perth, Western Australia, pp. 465-470. (2015) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Nitschke, S* and Chin, CKH and Fluck, A and Penesis, I and Ranmuthugala, D and Ghous, A* and Chong, J, “Calculus for kids: Engaging primary school students in engineering mathematics”, Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education - AAEE2015, 6-9 December, Geelong, Australia, pp. 1-11. ISBN 978-0-7300-0041-9 (2015) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “BYOD on-campus eExams at University of Tasmania (UTAS)”, eAssessment Scotland, 8 September, Scotland, UK, pp. 1-2. (2014) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Chin, CKH and Ranmuthugala, D and Penesis, I, “Calculus for Kids”, Conference Proceedings of the Australian Computers in Education Conference 2014, 30 September - 3 October 2014, Adelaide, South Australia, pp. 143-150. ISBN 978-0-646-92095-5 (2014) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Hillier, M*, “eExams transforming curriculum”, Conference Proceedings of the Australian Computers in Education Conference 2014, 30 September - 3 October 2014, Adelaide, South Australia, pp. 151-158. ISBN 978-0-646-92095-5 (2014) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Twining, P*, “Redefining education: 1 to 1 computing strategies in Tasmanian schools”, Conference Proceedings of the Australian Computers in Education Conference 2014, 30 September - 3 October 2014, Adelaide, South Australia, pp. 159-167. ISBN 978-0-646-92095-5 (2014) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

J-F and Gillies, R* and Carroll, A* and Swabey, K and Pullen, D and Fluck, A and Yu, J, “The role of post-secondary education among ex-inmates living crime-free”, Proceedings of the 2014 joint Australian Association for Research in Education and New Zealand Association for Research in Education Conference, 30 November - 4 December, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 1-14. ISSN 1324-9320 (2014) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Price, J and Fluck, A and Pullen, D, “What do Australian universities want in student ICT skills?”, Conference Proceedings of the Australian Computers in Education Conference 2014, 30 September - 3 October 2014, Adelaide, South Australia, pp. 336-344. ISBN 978-0-646-92095-5 (2014) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “e-Exams transforming curriculum”, Transforming Assessment Webinar Series Proceedings, 13 March 2013, online, pp. 1. (2013) [Conference Extract] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “eExams”, Proceedings of the 2013 Tigerleap foundation conference, 21 February 2013, online, pp. 1-10. (2013) [Non Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Implementation of on-campus digital examination practices”, Transforming Assessment in a Digital Era Revolutionising assessment approaches across Australian universities, 31 July - 1 August 2013, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 1-8. (2013) [Plenary Presentation] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Mogey, N*, “The future for e-assessment: Assessing skills in more immediate ways. use of students' personal computers in examinations”, Learning while we are connected: proceedings of the 10th IFIP World conference on computers in education, 1-7 July 2013, Poland, pp. 45. ISBN 978-83-231-3095-6 (2013) [Conference Extract] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Where are we going with digital technologies in Australian schools?”, Proceedings of the 2013 Tigerleap foundation conference, 21 February 2013, online, pp. 1-3. (2013) [Keynote Presentation] [Detail]

Fluck, AE and Mogey, N*, “Comparison of institutional innovation: Two universities' nurturing of computer-based examinations”, Learning while we are connected: Proceedings of the 10th IFIP World Conference on Computers in Education, 1-7 July 2013, Poland, pp. 11-20. ISBN 978-83-231-3095-6 (2013) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Hillier, M* and Fluck, A, “Arguing again for e-exams in high stakes examinations”, Electric Dreams - Proceedings of the 2013 Australian Society for Computers in Learning and Tertiary Education Conference, 1-4 December 2013, Sydney, Australia, pp. 385-396. (2013) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Johnston, RM and Fluck, A and Robertson, M* and Getenet, ST, “First year education students' time and space preferences: Accessing study materials online”, Teaching Matters 2012 - Conference Handbook, 4th December 2012, Launceston, Tasmania, pp. 22. (2013) [Conference Extract] [Detail]

Mogey, N* and Fluck, A, “Computers in the university exam: Reflections from Scotland and Tasmania”, Proceedings of the 2013 International Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) conference, 9-10 July 2013, University of Southampton, pp. 1-8. (2013) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Penesis, I and Chin, C and Ranmuthugala, D and Fluck, A, “An innovative approach using ICT to teach calculus in primary schools”, Enhancing Global Engineering and Technology Education: Meeting the Future - Proceedings of the 2013 International Engineering and Technology Education Conference, 3-6 November 2013, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, pp. 1-11. ISBN 978-0-646-59658-7 (2013) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Price-Glick, J and Fluck, A, “The use and users of ICT in Australian higher education”, Learning while we are connected: proceedings of the 10th IFIP World conference on computers in education, 1-7 July 2013, Poland, pp. 210-211. ISBN 978-83-231-3095-6 (2013) [Conference Extract] [Detail]

Yeom, S and Choi-Lundberg, D and Fluck, A and Sale, A, “User acceptance of a haptic interface for learning anatomy”, Proceedings of the International Conference e-Learning 2013, 23-26 July 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 239-246. ISBN 978-972893988-5 (2013) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “State wide adoption of e-assessments”, e-assessments in Tertiary Education, 22-23 August 2012, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 1-9. (2012) [Non Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Yeom, SJ and Fluck, A and Sale, AHJ and Choi-Lundberg, DL, “Exploring augmented reality for sustainable delivery of anatomy teaching and learning”, Teaching Matters 2012 - Conference Handbook, 4th December 2012, Launceston, Tasmania, pp. 39. (2012) [Conference Extract] [Detail]

Chin, CKH and Penesis, I and Ranmuthugala, D and Fluck, AE, “An analysis of students' performance in ICT curriculum transformation of mathematics in Australian primary schools”, CICE-2011 Proceedings (Canada International Conference on Education), 4-7 April 2011, Toronto, Canada, pp. 82-87. ISBN 978-0-9564263-9-0 (2011) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “eExams”, ASM 2011 - Microbiology on the edge, 4 - 8 July 2011, Hobart, Tasmania, pp. 93. (2011) [Conference Extract] [Detail]

Fluck, AE and Ranmuthugala, D and Chin, C and Penesis, I, “Calculus in elementary school: an example of ICT-based curriculum transformation”, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference of the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE 2011), 7-11 March 2011, Nashville, USA, pp. 3203 - 3210. ISBN 1880094843 (2011) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, AE, “eExams for transformation of higher education”, Proceedings of the 2011 Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, 27 November - 1 December 2011, Hobart, Tasmania, pp. 1 -15. ISSN 1324-9320 (2011) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, AE and Fox, A, “Engaging training simulations for socially demanding roles”, Ascilite 2011: Changing Demands, Changing Directions - Proceedings, 4-7 December 2011, Hobart, Tasmania, pp. 398-406. ISBN 978-1-86295-644-5 (2011) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, AE and Ranmuthugala, D and Chin, CKH and Penesis, I, “Rethinking computers in schools: Calculus in primary”, Proceedings of the 2011 Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, 27 November - 1 December 2011, Hobart, Tasmania, pp. 1-13. ISSN 1324-9320 (2011) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Gregory, B* and Gregory, S* and Wood, D* and Masters, Y* and Hillier, M* and Stokes-Thompson, F* and Bogdanovych, A* and Butler, D* and Hay, L* and Jegathesan, JJ* and Flintoff, K* and Schutt, S* and Linegar, D* and Alderton, R* and Cram, A* and Stupans, I* and McKeown Orwin, L* and Meredith, G* and McCormick, D* and Collins, F* and Grenfell, J* and Zagami, J* and Ellis, A* and Jacka, L* and Campbell, J* and Larson, I* and Fluck, A and Thomas, Angela and Farley, H* and Muldoon, N* and Abbas, A* and Sinnappan, S* and Neville, K* and Burnett, I* and Aitken, A* and Simoff, S* and Scutter, S* and Wang, X* and Souter, K* and Ellis, D* and Salomon, M* and Wadley, G* and Jacobson, M* and Newstead, A* and Hayes, G* and Grant, S* and Yusupova, A*, “How are Australian higher education institutions contributing to change through innovative teaching and learning in virtual worlds?”, Ascilite 2011: Changing Demands, Changing Directions - Proceedings, 4-7 December 2011, Hobart Tasmania, pp. 475-490. ISBN 978-1-86295-644-5 (2011) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Penesis, I and Chin, C and Ranmuthugala, D and Fluck, A, “An Investigation into the use of ICT to teach Calculus to Australian Primary Schools”, Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference for the Australasian Association for Engineering Education, 5-7 December 2011, Fremantle, Western Australia, pp. 331-337. ISBN 9780858259980 (2011) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Webb, M* and Voogt, J* and Cox, M* and Fluck, A and Davies, N*, “Global challenges for researching IT in Teacher Education: evidence and implications for teachers' practices”, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference of the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE 2011), 7-11 March 2011, Nashville, Tennessee, pp. 1-12. ISBN 1880094843 (2011) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Dowden, T, “Can new teachers be ICT change-agents?”, AARE 2009 Conference Proceedings, 29 November-3 December 2009, Canberra, Australia EJ ISBN 0-642-44693-8 (2010) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “eExams - high stakes summative assessment for the digital age”, Cultures of Learning, 25th November 2010, University of Tasmania, pp. 24-33. (2010) [Non Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Fluck, AE, “eExaminations Development and Acceptance”, Key Competencies in the Knowledge Society, 20-23 Septmember 2010, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 126-135. ISBN 3-642-15377-1 (2010) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Fluck, AE, “Lessons from Discarded Computer Architectures”, History of Computing, 20-23 September 2010, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 198-205. ISBN 3-642-15198-1 (2010) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Robertson, M* and Burston, M* and Fluck, A, “Negotiating the Maze: The challenge of contemporary Australian learning landscapes”, AARE 2009 Conference Proceedings, 29 November - 3 December 2009, Canberra EJ (2010) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Burston, M*, “Towards Tranformation: AlwaysOn Students and Health Education”, Education and Technology for a Better World, July 2009, Brazil, pp. 102-111. ISBN 978-3-642-03114-4 (2009) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Towards Transformation: eExaminations for ICT-enabled Learning Outcomes”, Education and Technology for a Better World, 27-31 July 2009, Brazil, pp. 1-10. ISBN 978-3-901882-35-7 (2009) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Towards Transformation: Envisioning New Learning Outcomes for ICT”, Education and Technology for a Better World, 27-31 July 2009, Brazil, pp. 10-18. ISBN 978-3-901882-35-7 (2009) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Brown, NR and Fluck, A and Wilson, Karen and Fitzallen, NE, “Meeting the Challenge: Professional Learning for Integrating ICT into Science and Mathematics Classes ”, AARE 2007 Conference Proceedings, 25-29 November 2007, Fremantle, pp. 1-16. ISSN 1324-9320 (2008) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Cruse, J*, “Behaviour Management in Social Computing Learning Environments”, Australian Computers in Education Conference 2008, 29 September - 2 October 2008, Canberra, pp. 120-126. ISBN 978-0-646-49809-6 (2008) [Non Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Nicholls, T*, “Who's in charge? Social computing and disputed control of school ICT environments”, Australian Computers in Education Conference 2008, 29 September - 2 October, Canberra, pp. 128-134. ISBN 978-0-646-49809-6 (2008) [Non Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Reading, C* and Fluck, A and Trinidad, S* and Anderson, N* and White, B*, “Connecting Teachers in Remote Australia: Challenges in Realising the Potential of Videoconferencing”, ACEC 2008, 29 September - 2 October 2008, Canberra, pp. 426-433. ISBN 978-0-646-49809-6 (2008) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Can Tertiary eAssessment change secondary school cultures?”, Proceedings of the Conference on 10th & 11th July 2007 at Loughborough University, 10-11 July 2007, Loughborough University, pp. 191-206. ISBN 0-9539572-6-8 (2007) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Bound, HI, “SmartBots”, SiMERR National Summit 2007, 12-14 November 2007, NSW, pp. 1. ISSN 1324-9320 (2007) [Conference Extract] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Robertson, ME*, “User-owned computers: friend or foe in schools?”, It's up here for thinking!, 2-4 October, Cairns, Australia EJ ISBN 0977564207 (2006) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Authentication and e-learning”, Proceedings, WCCE 2005, 4-7 July 2005, University of Stellenbosch, pp. 1-7. ISBN 1-920-01711-9 (2005) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “The realities of transforming education through ICT”, Global Project Based Learning Forum and Exhibition, 9-10 September 2005, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 29-35 (Eng). (2005) [Non Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Robertson, ME and Fluck, A and Webb, IL, “Capacity building through e-learning communities: alignment of purposes, policies and practices”, Recent Research Developments in Learning Technologies (ICTE 2005), June-July, Spain, pp. 368-373. (2005) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Can students use computers for formal examinations?”, Proceedings, November, Hobart, pp. 14. (2004) [Conference Extract] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Government sponsored open source software for school education”, Proceedings of the IFIP 18th World Computer Congress - TC3/TC9 1st Conference on the History of Computing in Education, 22-27 August 2004, Toulouse, France, pp. 27-45. ISBN 1-4020-8135-9 (2004) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Robertson, ME, “Online Learning Objects: A report from RazzamaTas 2”, Proceedings, March, Launceston EJ (2004) [Non Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Robertson, ME and Fluck, A, “What makes a good Learning Object?”, AARE 2004 International Education Research Conference Paper Abstracts, 28th November - 2nd December 2004, Melbourne, Australia EJ ISSN 1324-9339 (2004) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Webb, IL and Robertson, ME and Fluck, A, “ICT and professional learning: Towards communities of practice”, AARE 2004 International Education Research Conference Paper Abstracts, 28th November - 2nd December 2005, Melbourne, Australia EJ ISSN 1324-9339 (2004) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Chiappini, G* and Cruttenden, T* and Denning, T* and Disseldorp, B* and Fluck, A and Holkner, B* and Karpati, A* and Kiili, K* and Magenheim, J* and Kendall, M* and Wibe, J*, “Teaching Environments: Key Influences and Considerations”, Information and Communication Technology and the Teacher of the Future: IFIP TC3 / WG3.1 & WG3.3 Working Conference on ICT and the Teacher of the Future, 27-31 January 2003, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 295-299. ISBN 1-4020-7604-5 (2003) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Why Isn't ICT as Effective as it Ought To Be in School Education?”, ICT and the Teacher of the Future: International Federation for Information Processing Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3 Working Conference, 26-31January 2003, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 39-41. ISBN 1-920682-02-3 (2003) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Robertson, ME and Fluck, A and Webb, IL and Browett, JE, “E-Learning - 'Re-Envisioning' pedagogy in schools”, AARE 2003 Conference Papers : International Education Research Conference, 29 November - 3 December 2003, Auckland, New Zealand EJ ISSN 1324-9339 (2003) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Butler, J* and Price, K* and Bowes, J*, “ACEC2002 Proceedings”, Australian Council for Computers in Education, July, Hobart EJ ISBN 0-9581188-0-9 (2002) [Conference Edited] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Robertson, ME, “Children's Friendship Patterns and the Internet at Home”, ACEC 2002, July, Tasmania EJ ISBN 0-9581188-0-9 (2002) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Robertson, ME, “Classroom Computer Climate and National Learning Benchmarks”, ACEC 2002, July 11-13, 2002, Tasmania EJ ISBN 0-9581188-0-9 (2002) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Robertson, ME and Fluck, A, “Children, On-Line Learning and Authentic Teaching Skills in Primary Education”, AARE 2002 Conference Papers, December 1-5, 2002, Brisbane EJ ISSN 1324-9320 (2002) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “A model for initial teacher ICT training”, Learning Technologies Teaching and the Future of Schools, Conference Proceedings, 6-9 July 2000, Melbourne, pp. 1-8. (2000) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “SENTIS - where do we go from here?”, Learning Technologies Teaching and the Future of Schools, Conference Proceedings, 6-9 July 2000, Melbourne, pp. 1-7. (2000) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Some national and state approaches to integrating IT in education”, Learning Technologies Teaching and the Future of Schools, Conference Proceedings, 6-9 July 2000, Melbourne, pp. 1-5. (2000) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Voice Recognition - all it's 'suppozd' to be?”, ACEC2000, 6-9 July 2000, Melbourne, pp. 5. (2000) [Non Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Choosing and Implementing a model for the cross-curriculum use of computers in schools”, CD-ROM, 13-16 November 1997, Mexico, pp. 1-12. (1998) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “The KITOs Key Information Technology Outcomes for School Students”, Australian Computers in Education Conference, July 1998, Adelaide, pp. 54-59. (1998) [Non Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Web-extended Strand 5: Extended Communities”, 13-16 November 1997, Mexico, pp. 1-2. (1998) [Conference Edited] [Detail]

Schrettenbrunner, H* and Robertson, ME and Fluck, A, “Virtual reality in teaching materials: New thinking or thinking restyled in computer software?”, 7th International Conference on Thinking, 1-6 June 1996, Singapore, pp. 7. (1997) [Non Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Briano, R* and Chiappini, G* and Fluck, A and Jones, A* and Meier, N* and Midoro, V* and Oram, I* and Roberts, P* and Ryan, S* and Turner, S*, “Collaborative work and learning”, IFIP World Conference Computers in Education VI, Birmingham, UK, pp. 141 - 150. (1996) [Non Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “CAUT South Regional Conference”, Launceston, pp. http://www.educ.utas.edu.au/CAUT. (1996) [Conference Edited] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Teleteaching 1996 website event 1 & 7”, Canberra, pp. http://www.educ.utas.edu.au/TT96. (1996) [Conference Edited] [Detail]

Boocock, B and Fluck, A, “Using Email, HTML and Assessment Support Strategies in an Integrated Package for Education”, ASCILITE 95 Conference, Melbourne, pp. 5 - 6. (1995) [Conference Extract] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Information Technology in Two National Curricula”, World Conference on computers in education, Birmingham, UK, pp. 1-364. (1995) [Conference Extract] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Managing the Net - in the classroom”, World Conference on Computers in Education, Birmingham, UK, pp. 1-318. (1995) [Conference Extract] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “SENTIS Re-visited - Social Effects of New Technology in Schools”, World Conference on Computers in Education, Birmingham, UK, pp. 1-370. (1995) [Conference Extract] [Detail]

Computer Software

Fluck, A and Hesketh, JM, “eExams system 3”, 3.0, UTAS, Launceston, Tasmania (2010) [Software Other] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Academic Workload Calculator”, 1.00, National Tertiary Education Union, Launceston (2006) [Software Windows] [Detail]


Contract Report, Consultant's Report

ICT Educators Committee (2021) Australian Computer Society response to the 2020/21 Australian Curriculum Review and ACS Computer Education in Australian Schools Survey (2020.2021) results.https://www.acs.org.au/content/dam/acs/acs-public-policy/ACS%20response%20to%20F-10%20Australian%20Curriculum%20review.pdf

Australian Technologies Teacher Education Network (ATTEN) (2021) Feedback on Australian Curriculum Review: Technologies.

**Hillier, M* and Fluck, A, Transforming Exams: Processes and platform for e-Exams in supervised BYOD environments (final report), Office for Learning and Teaching, Australian Government, Australia (2014) [Contract Report] [Full Text] [Detail]

Robertson, M* and Fluck, A, Always-On Learning Communities: M-Learning landscapes transforming school cultures, Victorian and Tasmanian Departments of Education, LP0667694 (2010) [Contract Report] [Detail]

Tranent, PJ and Fluck, A, Welfare to Work for People with Disabilities in Northern Tasmania, WISE Employment (2007) [Consultants Report] [Detail]

Fluck, A, Action Learning into Information Literacy, department of Education, Science and Technology (2006) [Contract Report] [Detail]

Robertson, M and Fluck, A, Children online learning and authentic teaching skills in primary education - final report, Department of Education, Science and Training (2006) [Contract Report] [Detail]

Robertson, ME and Fluck, A, 'Alwayson' learning communities, Victorian Department of Education and Training (2006) [Contract Report] [Detail]

Downes, T* and Fluck, A and Gibbons, P* and Leonard, R* and Matthews, C* and Oliver, R* and Vickers, M* and Williams, M*, Making Better Connections, Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and Training, 1 (2002) [Contract Report] [Detail]

Robertson, ME and Fluck, A, Children, on-line learning and authentic teaching skills in primary education, Tasmanian Department of Education, 1 (2002) [Contract Report] [Detail]

Robertson, ME and Fluck, A, Access, use and the eLaunceston Portal, Telstra (2000) [Contract Report] [Detail]

Robertson, ME and Fluck, A, Access, Youth and the eLaunceston portal, Telstra Research Laboratories (2000) [Contract Report] [Detail]

Other Creative Work

Fluck, A, Monument to the Immigrants in Bento Goncalves, IPS News, Brazil, pp. 1 (2009) [Minor Creative Work] [Detail]

Fluck, A, Mural of the Arriving Immigrants, Villa Fornasier, IPS News, Brazil, pp. 1 (2009) [Minor Creative Work] [Detail]



Fluck, A, “Integration or Transformation? A cross-national study of ICT in school education” (2003) [PhD] [Detail] https://eprints.utas.edu.au/232/15/Fluck_whole_thesis.pdf

Fluck, A, “The Social Effects of New Technology in Schools - SENTIS” (1995) [Masters Research] [Detail]


Fluck, AE, “eExam”, Wikipedia, USA (2016) [Entry] [Full Text] [Detail]


Other Public Output

Fluck, A. (2021). Current and future opportunities and challenges for education from BDA & ML. IFIP TC3 Zanzibar Declaration – Webinar 1: Social Impacts of Big Data Analysis and Machine Learning – Educational Implications. https://vimeo.com/520898531/a37dea562a & https://zanzibardeclaration.cicei.org/mod/page/view.php?id=17

Fluck, A, “Introduction to quantum computing: Levels 7-8”, Education, Australian Computer Society (ACS), Australia, pp. 1-29. (2019) [Report Other] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Service award from the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) for outstanding contributions to IFIP and the informatics community”, International Federation for Information Processing, Austria, 24 October (2019) [Award] [Full Text] [Detail]

Storte, D* and Webb, M* and Bottino, RM* and Passey, D* and Kalas, I* and Bescherer, C* and Smith, JM* and Angeli, C* and Katz, Y* and Micheuz, P* and Rosvik, S* and Brinda, T* and Fluck, A and Magenheim, J* and Anderson, BB* and Fuschek, G*, “Coding, Programming and the Changing Curriculum for Computing in Schools”, Report of UNESCO/IFIP TC3 Meeting at OCCE, Austria, pp. 1-45. (2019) [Government or Industry Research] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “E-exams - the way of the future?”, Radio National, Life Matters, ABC, Australia, 30 November 2018 (2018) [Media Interview] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Online exams: are the colleges doing it right?”, MJA Insight, Australian Medical Publishing Company, Australia, 2018, 8 (2018) [Media Interview] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, AE, “2018 Research merit certificate for outstanding contribution”, School of Education, University of Tasmania (2018) [Award] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “BYO laptop: an e-exams pilot project”, AARNET Case study, AARNET, Australia, 2017 (2017) [Media Interview] [Full Text] [Detail]

Kenny, JDJ and Fluck, A, “Online courses ‘more time-consuming’ to prepare for, study says”, The Times Higher Education Supplement, News Corp, United Kingdom, 21 September 2017 (2017) [Media Interview] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Research Merit Certificate for Very Good Contribution”, Faculty of Education, University of Tasmania, Australia (2016) [Award] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Working Group 3.3 explores educational research”, ifip News - the leading edge of information technology, International Federation for Information Processing, Austria, December 2016, p. 16. (2016) [Internal Newsletter] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Research Merit Certificate”, Research Merit Certificate, Faculty of Educatin, University of Tasmania, Tasmania, Australia (2015) [Award] [Full Text] [Detail]

Spector, M* and Ifenthaler, D* and Samspon, D* and Yang, L* and Mukama, E* and Warusavitarana, A* and Lokuge Dona, K* and Eichhorn, K* and Fluck, A and Huang, R* and Bridges, S* and Lu, J* and Ren, Y* and Gu, X* and Deneen, C* and San Diego, J*, “Assessment as, for, and of learning in the 21st Century”, International Summit on ICT in education 2015: Technology advanced quality learning for all, EDUSummIT, pp. 33-38. (2015) [Government or Industry Research] [Full Text] [Detail]

Webb, M* and Fluck, A and Cox, M* and Angeli-Valanides, C* and Malyn-Smith, J* and Voogt, J* and Zagami, J*, “Curriculum - Advancing understanding of the roles of computer science/informatics in the curriculum”, International Summit on ICT in education 2015: Technology advanced quality learning for all, EDUSummIT, pp. 60-68. (2015) [Government or Industry Research] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “ACCELN Hangout”, ACCELN Hangout, Australian Council for Computers in Education Learning network, Australia, S04E06 (2014) [Media Interview] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Research Merit Certificate 2013”, Launceston, Tasmania (2013) [Award] [Full Text] [Detail]

Yeom, S and Choi-Lundberg, D and Fluck, A and Sale, A, “User Acceptance of a Haptic Interface for Learning Anatomy”, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on eLearning 2013, IADIS Press (International Association for Development f the Information Society), Czech Republic, 1, 2013, pp. 239-246. (2013) [Award] [Full Text] [Detail]

Chin, CKH and Fluck, A and Penesis, I and Ranmuthugala, SD, “Maple Helps Teach Calculus to 11-Year Old Students”, Maplesoft User Case Studies, Maplesoft, www.maplesoft.com (2012) [Media Interview] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Ranmuthugala, SD and Chin, CKH and Penesis, I, “Mayfield primary tops the nation in integral calculus”, The Department, The Department of Education, online, 1, 1, p. 1. (2012) [Media Interview] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “One dimension, two dimensions, three dimensions, four: the expanding universe of arts learning”, CAPE Consults, Arnold Aprill, Online, 1, June 2012, pp. 1-2. (2012) [Media Interview] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Research Merit Certificate”, Faculty of Education, University of Tasmania, Launceston, Tasmania, p. 1. (2012) [Award] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Ranmuthugala, SD and Chin, CKH and Penesis, I, “Calculus in elementary school: an example of ICT-based curriculum transformation”, OUTSTANDING PAPER AWARD, Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (SITE 2011), Nashville, USA (2011) [Award] [Full Text] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Ranmuthugala, SD and Chin, CKH and Penesis, I, “Calculus triumph for Mayfield”, The Examiner, The Examiner, Launceston, Tasmania, November 3, 2011, p. 6. (2011) [Media Interview] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “E-examinations at the University of Tasmania: E-assessment case study”, Australian Flexible Learning Framework: Supporting e-learning opportunities, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Australia (2010) [Government or Industry Research] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Education: Liberty, e-Quality, Humanity”, IPS News, IPS News, Brazil, 1, 1 (2009) [Media Interview] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Grube, KJ and Webb, S, “Exam? Don't forget your laptop”, Unitas, University of Tasmania, Australia, 1, 335 (2009) [Internal Newsletter] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Laptops pass the big exam”, The Australian, The Australian, Australia, 1, 18 Nov 2009 (2009) [Media Interview] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Webb, S, “Learn to love calculus, say academics”, UNITAS, University of Tasmania, Australia, 1, 335 (2009) [Internal Newsletter] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Put to the Test”, Education Review, Education Review, Australia, 1, 9 (2009) [Media Interview] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “ARC funds UTAS mobile learning study”, Education Review, APN Educational Media for Australian College of Education, North Sydney NSW, Australia, 15, 1 (2006) [Magazine Article] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Best in Stream Paper award”, Australian Computers in Education Conference, Australian Computers in Education, Cairns, Queensland (2006) [Award] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Area of research interest: information and communication technology in school education”, Education Graduate Research News, University of Tasmania, Launceston, 1, 3 (2005) [Internal Newsletter] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Handhelds on trial in Australian schools”, Sydney Morning Herald , Fairfax Digital, Sydney, 8 Dec (2005) [Newspaper Article] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Palm pilots to replace pen and paper in classroom”, ABC News Radio, Asutralian Broadcasting Corporation, Tasmania, 6 Dec 2005 (2005) [Media Interview] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Students get hand-held computers”, The Australian, Sydney, 7 Dec 2005 (2005) [Newspaper Article] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Victorian Pupils to Pioneer Mobile Learning”, The Age , Melbourne, 7 Dec 05 (2005) [Newspaper Article] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “World conference for computers in education '40 years of computers in education - what works'”, Education Graduate Research News, University of Tasmania, Launceston, 1, 3 (2005) [Internal Newsletter] [Detail]

Robertson, ME and Fluck, A and Webb, IL, “Next generational thinking - the M-learning generation”, Tasmanian Branch Newsletter, Australian College of Educators, Hobart, 2 (2004) [Magazine Article] [Detail]

Robertson, ME and Fluck, A, “Online Learning & Authentic Teaching”, Directions in Education, Australian Council for Educational Leaders, Melbourne, 13, 5 (2004) [Magazine Article] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Suddenly, e-learning is mainstream for school and business”, Next, The Age, Melbourne, 1, 1 (2002) [Media Interview] [Detail]

Robertson, ME and Fluck, A and Keddie, AM, “Authentic design guidelines for on-line teaching and learning courses”, Teaching Advisory Board Grant Report 2001, University of Tasmania, Tasmania (2001) [Report of Restricted Access] [Detail]

Robertson, ME and Fluck, A, “Flexible Delivery for Quality Teaching and Learning Outcomes”, Teaching Advisory Board Grant Report 2001, University of Tasmania, Tasmania (2001) [Report of Restricted Access] [Detail]

Fluck, A and Harrison, LB and Dicinoski, GW, “Web-CT at the University of Tasmania”, Info Magazine, University of Tasmania, Hobart, May 2000, 103 (2000) [Internal Newsletter] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “2CN Talkback”, 2CN Talkback, Canberra, 3 Sept (1996) [Media Interview] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “Southern Cross News”, Southern Cross News, Launceston, 8 Feb (1996) [Media Interview] [Detail]

Fluck, A, “The Real Wired Child”, The Weekend Australian, Sydney, 2 Nov (1996) [Media Interview] [Detail]


Older outputs

Fluck, Andrew; Jan Gough-Watson (1999) Integration of information and communications technologies (ICTs) through teacher professional development and pre-service training. Report to the 13th APEC Education Forum. Australia: DETYA. [Invited Plenary Presentation]

Fluck, A.  (1995) Internet Gateways. Australian Educational Computing 10(1)35 [Professional, Non-Refereed Article]

Fluck, A.  (20 April 1995) Scary Vision. Hobart Mercury, Letter to Editor: Aust. [Media Interview]

Fluck, A.  (1994) SENTIS revisited poster. Asia-Pacific Information Technology in Training and Education: Aust. [Conference Extract]

Fluck, A.  (March 1994) Global interconnections from Claremont College. UTAS magazine. University of Tasmania: Aust. [Internal Newsletter]

Fluck, A.  (1994) Computers in Schools - a framework for development – a discussion paper. Australian Council for Computers in Education and the Australian Computer Society. Online at http://www.acce.edu.au/position_schools.asp OR  [alt]  [Consultants’ Report]

Fluck, A.  (13 October 1993) Hyper-media: Micro and Macro. Presentation to Australian Computer Society: Aust. [Conference Extract]

Fluck, A.  (5 October 1993) Pupils Log on and go Global. International Herald Tribune: U.S. * [Media Interview]

Fluck, A.  (October 1992) Archery. SLAN. Claremont College: Aust. [Internal Newsletter]

Fluck, A.  (1992) Information Technology in Education – Tasmania. Australian Educational Computing 5(2)11. [Professional, Non Refereed Article]

Fluck, A.  (1991) Blue File Software - descriptions Resource catalogue, Curriculum Services: Tasmania, Aust. * [Catalogue]

Fluck, A.  (July 1991) CARTS - Computerised Assessment Recording and Timetabling System. School Administration. Elizabeth Computer Centre: Aust. [Internal Newsletter]

Fluck, A.  (1991) Computer Society in the Classroom (keynote speech for Computer Education Group of Victoria conference):  Aust. [Refereed Conference Paper]

Fluck, A.  (October 1990) The World Conference on Computers in Education. Classroom Computing. Elizabeth Computer Centre: Aust. [Other Review]

Fluck, A.  (October 1990) The Cambridge Spreadsheet – review. Classroom Computing. Elizabeth Computer Centre: Aust. [Other Review]

Fluck, A.  (October 1990) Connections – review. Classroom Computing. Elizabeth Computer Centre: Aust. [Other Review]

Hughes, Bronwyn (16 July 1990) SENTIS 'Offspring'. ABC Radio National: Aust. [Media Interview]

Fluck, A.  (12 July 1990) Study finds teenager's best friend is a computer. The Mercury: Aust. * [Media Interview]

Fluck, A.  (April  1990) CARTing on! Classroom Computing. Aust. [Internal Newsletter]

Fluck, A.  (1990) The Social Effects of New Technology in Schools - The SENTIS Report. World conference on Computers in Education. IFIP: U.K. [Refereed Conference Paper]

Fluck, A.  (26th August 1989) The Social Effects of New Technology - and putting the power of the computer into the hands of the teacher. keynote address to the Victorian branch of the Australian Association for Special Education: Aust. [Refereed Conference Paper]

Fluck, A.  (April 1989) New tools for people with disabilities. In Future. Commission for the Future, Aust. [Professional, Non Refereed Article]

Fluck, A.  (March 1989) Using Computer Networks. British Journal of Special Education. [Refereed Article]

Learning to Cope  (1989) Life in the four Resource Centres.  Learning to Cope: U.K. * [Professional, Non Refereed Article]

Fluck, A.  (1988) The Social Effects of using computers with handicapped children. Tasmanian Institute for Educational Research #8: Hobart, Tasmania.  [Refereed Article]

Fluck, A.  (1 July 1988) Future Imperfect (special needs education) Times Educational Supplement: U.K. [Professional, Non Refereed Article]

Fluck, A.  (1988) The Future Direction of Educational Software Development. Educational Software Developer's Forum - Micro-Electronics Education Programme: U.K. [Consultants’ Report]

Fluck, A.  (1988) Walkie Talkies - portable computers for special needs. Times Educational Supplement: U.K. [Professional, Non Refereed Article]

Fluck, A.  (Autumn 1988) Collaboration with SEMERCs (letter to editor). MicroMath: U.K. [Letter Or Note In Journal]

Fluck, A.  (1987) Microcomputers in UK Special Education. The Australasian Journal of Special Education  [Refereed Article]

Fluck, A.  (1987) Consultative Document - Microelectronics for Learners with Special Education Needs. Microelectronics Education Support Unit: U.K. [Contract Report]

Fluck, A.  (1987) The Special Children Award, Special Children. U.K. [Other Refereed Contribution To A Scholarly Journal]

Fluck, A.  (1987) Micro-Electronics in Special Education - Keynote address. Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Special Education: Melbourne, Australia.   [Refereed Conference Paper]

Fluck, A.  (6th October 1986) Computerised Wheelchair project. Combined Southern and Eastern Regions Technical Conference, Department of Health and Social Security: U.K. [Working Model]

Fluck, A.  (7 June 1985) Powerful help at hand for those with special needs. Times Educational Supplement. U.K. [Professional, Non Refereed Article]

Fluck, A.  (May 1985) The Special Computer User. Eastalk 5. Micro-Electronics Education Programme: U.K. [Internal Newsletter]

CET  (1985) User Specification 32e - Local Area Networks. Council for Educational Technology  U.K. * [Authored Other Book]

Fluck, A.  (December 1983, revised February 1985) The Milton Keynes Diploma in Microcomputer Applications. Milton Keynes Education/Industry Liaison Association: U.K. [Authored Other Book]

Fluck, A.  (November 1984) Latest News for Special Needs – Newsletter. Redbridge Special Education Micro-Electronics Resource Centre (SEMERC):U.K. [Internal Newsletter]

Fluck, A.  (25 May 1984) Courseware (the Milton Keynes Diploma in Microcomputer Applications) Times Educational Supplement: U.K. [Professional, Non Refereed Article]

Fluck, A.  (April 1984) The Network in Action. Educational Computing: U.K. [Professional, Non Refereed Article]

Fluck, A.  (17 February 1984) Equipment for business and computer studies (TVEI). Times Educational Supplement: U.K. [Professional, Non Refereed Article]

Fluck, A.  (February 1984) Micro Diploma is in offing. Computer Weekly: U.K. * [Professional, Non Refereed Article]

The Mirror  (26 January 1984) City spearheads campaign for classroom computer skills: U.K. * [Newspaper Article]

BBC Radio 4 (4 November 1983) Community education and the disabled - special classes. (Does he take sugar): U.K. * [Media Interview]

Fluck, A.  (22 July 1983) Computer Diploma. Times Educational Supplement: U.K. [Professional, Non Refereed Article]

Anglia Independent Television (11 July 1983) Computers in Milton Keynes ('Anglia Reports'): U.K. * [Media Interview]

Fluck, A.  (June 1983) Welcome to the Stantonbury Network. Chiltern Computing: U.K. [Magazine Article]

Fluck, A.  (June 1983) Drawing your Computer. Computer Education: U.K. [Refereed Article]

Fluck, A.  (May 1983) Thinking of a Network? Educational Computing: U.K. [Professional, Non Refereed Article]

British Council  (1983) Microcomputers in Schools (tape/slide set). British Council – Methuen: U.K. * [Recorded Creative Work]

Fluck, A.  (July 1982) A new Computer Schema. Computers in Schools: U.K. [Refereed Article]

Fluck, A.  (1982) Filer (database software for the BBC computer). Program Power: Leeds, U.K. [Other Computer Software]

Channel 4 productions  (1982) Do it yourself ('Living Tapes') :U.K. * [Magazine Article]

Fluck, A.  (1981) Using windmills and appropriate technology ('Development Education') Open University – BBC: U.K. [Chapter In Other Book]

Fluck, A.  (1980) Transforming chair, Design Registration #993470.  U.K. [Refereed Design]

Fluck, A.  (1970) Playback 15 by Edward de Bono ‘City Traffic Congestion’, Science Journal, 6(3) [Letter Or Note In Journal]

Fluck, A.  (1986/7) A day in the life of .. a SEMERC. Learning to Cope: U.K. [Professional, Non Refereed Article]

Fluck, A. (Ed.) (1985-1987) Meeting Special Needs (column). Educational Computing: U.K. [Magazine Article]